Network Configuration & Change Management

Backup & Configure At Scale

NMSaaS provides unparalleled flexibility and structure for managing configurations with granular backups, automated changes, and seamless scalability for 500-75K+ devices.

Network Configuration & Change Management

Network Discovery With Speed & Precision

58+ Options For Granular Device Discovery

With custom criteria, you can discover devices according to your unique network requirements for a more comprehensive approach to monitoring.

Add Extra Tag Attributes

Gain structured visibility into your network infrastructure with the flexibility to add additional tags for easier monitoring, especially with large resources pools.

Discover 75K+ Devices...and Fast!

Rapidly uncover 75K+ devices with lightning speed, ensuring top-tier performance every step of the way.

Complete Configuration Control

Seamlessly save, store and compare unlimited backups for any duration with a vendor agnostic solution that guarantees comprehensive configuration automation across all your devices.

NMSaaS Supports Most Major Device Vendors

Change Management Simplified

Empower network engineers to make changes while eliminating human error by easily scheduling, automating, and generating automation for simple or complex changes.

Top 20 Best Practices for NCCM

Implement these 20 best practices for NCCM by downloading this guide today.

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We promise straightforward answers, no BS, no marketing hype, and no unexpected calls. Your privacy & time matters."

- NMSaaS Team